Presale & IDO - BSC list - 30/12/21

By Double Mind | Presale Hunters BSC | 30 Dec 2021


Every day we publish a list of starting projects on Binance Smart Chain between 11-13 UTC.

❗️ Use only the official presale/ido links available on the social media of a given project ❗️

❕ The hours may change ❕

❗️ Do your own research before investing! This is just a list ❗️

🔎 How to spot potential rug  



📋 List 30/12/21

IDO and other launchpads

14:00 UTC $asva 🔜






|PP| 14:00 UTC $MPAD 🔜
|PP| 15:30 UTC $VortexPAD 🔜
|PP| 16:00 UTC $PPAD 🔜
|PP| 16:00 UTC $INUMON 🔜
|PP| 16:31 UTC $DRSHIB 🔜
|WL| 17:00 UTC $RAVE 🔜


❗️ You invest at your own risk! Do your own research! Anything can be a scam ❗️

 Do you want your project to be on our list? Or have you found an interesting project and want to share it with us? Join to our group and share it with us or use the bot and fill in all the necessary information. Group / Bot 

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Double Mind
Double Mind

Crypto-enthusiasts ₿, reviewers, and #NFT fanatics. You can find our social media and disclaimer in link provided ↪

Presale Hunters BSC
Presale Hunters BSC

Hello, pay attention for a moment. We have something important to tell you. We have made the decision to completely change PresaleHuntersBSC, along with the idea of functionality. The main reason is that we want to open up to further horizons, not just the Binance Smart Chain network or presale as our name suggested. New name → Double Mind

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