With more bot’s than FDA approved blood clots!
He, approves of the shots & post’s a lot!
About accountability.
While supporting the father of the vaccine!
Simultaneously involved in thee, child harming industry!
A cobalt fiend!
His links are neural!
His lies are plural!
Self sedation sadistic massacre meme mural!
With a background in gems.
When Pay Pal was not your pal.
Use to support Dems.
Now, living foul, to the end.
Humanity support pretend.
To be friend!
A carbon tax will do
A carbon tax will do
A carbon tax will do
Do you!
The Jobs, like Steve, while you are being robbed!
By DOGE & other political slobs!
Increasing legal slavery!
Enhancing verbal profanity!
Influencing the ones who cannot yet see!
For a fee!
Supporting Space X.
Through legal theft/tax debt notes.
What’s next?
Legal knife to throat! Enticing one to vote!
For central bank digital currency!
With an app more dangerous than a T-REX!
Similar to communist China!
Now he is snorting X & is perplexed!
Due to “self” Hex!
“Double Crossed”
Victim of self text A.I. language intricate abstract simple complex!
Self salad tossed.
While remaining the boss.
Of Transhumanism coin toss at any cost.
Despite the loss!
Needing to floss!
Able to see, blindly!
Thee, self indulged profanity!
Living in false glee!
While swimming in a sea, of insecurity!
Currently, the man of the hour.
Indulging in, golden showers!
Of self devour!
Listening to you was like watching NASA fake moon landings!
Seriously yet comically. Bobbin on Rogans knob, publicity!
It was like watching bombs washed up upon sand from toxic seas!
From a system that destroys systematically.
THEY listened but could not hear.
In control but could not steer!
Embarrassed, like gerbils & Richard Gear!
When own children laugh at you!
Is like publicly destroyed self statue!
Losing stature!
Self rapture!