Surrounded by Pizza and Gates like Bill.
Surrounded by false doctors like Dr. Phill.
Surrounded by leaders that smile then kill!
The mental RotoTill drill, when brains cut and spill!
Was like a HUT made of “PIZZA” for kids!
Was like doing the bidding.
Of Jeffrey Epstein, no “kid”ding!
Pun meant, sarcastically!
It was like sitting, without sitting and forgetting.
Was kind of like trying to grasp air!
Attempting to gain something!
Valuable not to share!
For them...
Hoping to experience and see something worthy of care.
Looked everywhere!
Was kind of like the fluoride stare! When explaining. Thought limited blind beLIEf draining!
It was kind of like being born, then being reborn, to be reborn. Regardless of hearts torn, forgetting, reliving!
Was like living in a swarm of willful ignorance when own self are the flies or “drag”“on”flies!
Slapping self in face, significance!
Freeing self from willful IGNORance.
Internal congruence
The difference...