Transitioning to a New Horizon: GetZen to PipeFlare

Transitioning to a New Horizon: GetZen to PipeFlare

By Japakar | PipeFlare | 18 Apr 2024

Posted On November 1, 2023

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Hey Horizen Community Hub users,

We have important news to share. is transitioning to, introducing a broader range of features and games for you

First off, your current balances are safe and will be transitioned to ZEC on your PipeFlare account. There’s nothing you need to worry about regarding the security of your funds during this transition. 

Additionally, if you create a PipeFlare account in the next 72 hours, you’ll receive a bonus of gems and tokens. You can use these to level up your profile and gain a competitive edge in gaming leaderboards. Login to and use the transfer link to transfer your profile.

Now, let’s talk about the extra features and benefits you’ll enjoy on PipeFlare as compared to GetZen:

  • 17 P2E Games: A variety of games to play and earn from. Many games have weekly game leaderboards where you can earn real rewards. 
  • Staking: Grow your assets by staking your crypto.
  • NFT Marketplace: Dive into the world of digital collectibles with PipeFlare’s NFT marketplace.
  • Multiple Faucets: More faucets for claiming free cryptocurrencies. We have MATIC, ZEC, 1FLR, 2FLR, and a mystery faucet for our Pyro holders. 
  • 8 Monthly Airdrops: Regular airdrops to boost your crypto holdings.

Moving to is about more than just a new platform; it’s about stepping into a community with way more features and games.. 

The process will be smooth, and our support team is here to assist you throughout. We’re excited about the new experiences PipeFlare brings to our community and look forward to seeing you there!

Thank you for being a part of the GetZen community, and we can’t wait to continue this journey together on

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Just a regular guy into crypto and getting other regular folks into it.


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