Purchases At PipeFlare.io

Purchases At PipeFlare.io

By Japakar | PipeFlare | 28 Feb 2021

Purchases At PipeFlare.io Posted On January 1, 2021

We have several ways to generate an income and join the community. These include:

Supporter Tiers – let you purchase monthly supporter perks and donate to independent game developers.

Referral Purchases – you can purchase referrals directly from PipeFlare and avoid the PTC websites.

NFTs (Coming Soon) – we’re really excited to release collectible “Power-Up” NFTs that give you added in-game and on-site rewards.

Refund for Referrals: All of our referral purchases come with a 14-day money back guarantee.

Refunds for Yearly Subscriptions: For yearly subscriptions we offer a 14-day money back guarantee. However, we can only refund 11 of the 12 months, since a monthly subscription cannot be un-activated once it starts.

Refunds for Single-Monthly Subscriptions: We don’t offer refunds for a monthly subscription, but you can cancel at any time. If you cancel, you won’t be charged after the end of your subscription. The reason for not offering a full refund is that once we activate your account, we cannot un-activate it for 30 days.

Refunds for NFTs: We cannot offer refunds for NFTs because once an NFT is purchased, its ownership transfers to you. NFTs are blockchain-based digital goods and their transfer is permanent. However, you’ll be able to post your NFT on a marketplace and offer it for sale.

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