Introducing Pipeflare Supporter Perks

PipeFlare Supporter FAQ

By Japakar | PipeFlare | 11 Feb 2021

PipeFlare Supporter FAQ

Posted On February 1, 2021

PipeFlare now offers monthly supporter subscriptions which give you tons of added perks and bonuses.

We currently have three tiers of supporters. Casual TierHardcore Tier, and Professional Tier.

PipeFlare Supporter Perks Include:

Leaderboard Entry: Supporters will have access to the highest rank game leaderboard, the “Supporter Leaderboard”. This leaderboard will have the least competition and the highest prizes. 

Multipliers: Supporters will get up to 2x Multiplier on their daily faucet rewards. 

Faucet Auto-Pump: With Auto-Pump, you will automatically claim all tokens on PipeFlare, every day. This way you’ll never miss a day and get all of your daily reward bonuses. Your Brave Bonus or Mobile App bonus is automatically applied.

Faucet Always Full“: Even when the PipeFlare faucet is empty, you’ll be able to claim your daily rewards and get paid.

FlareDrops: You’ll be automatically enrolled in our monthly airdrops. Every supporter will get free Flare Tokens at the end of the month and one other coin (ZEC or DOGE). More to come on this soon.

Referral Bonuses: Professional supporters will get extra referral commissions. Professional Supporters will get 4x the referral commissions of non-supporters, up to 100% of a user’s claim. 

No Ads On Mobile: Supporters have no ads in our mobile games or mobile PipeFlare app.

More To Come: We will also be adding new perks for each of our supporter tiers in the near future. 

Check out all the perks on Pipeflare!


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