Pipeflare Update

Learn How To Get Referrals Using Your Social Media Channels

By Japakar | PipeFlare | 13 Apr 2023

Posted On January 11, 2023

The PipeFlare referral program is a great way to earn extra rewards. You can get up to 100% commissions each time your referrals claim from our faucets, play our games, purchase from our store, or stake with us. Participating also enters you into our $150 Monthly Referral Contest!

How To Start Referring

Referring your friends and contacts is easy! This blog will give you an idea of how to refer your friends and contacts tailored to their interests. You can use them as is or customize them to suit your needs. These resources include content, message examples, email example, and process videos.


You can download some of our gameplay videos and pre-made images in this folder.

Messages Examples

  • “I love PipeFlare Games, where you can play to earn and compete for up to $500 weekly! Use my referral code to sign up. (include your referral link and use one of our gameplay videos)”.
  • “I’ve been enjoying PipeFlare Airdrops so much. They airdrop $1,200 monthly. Let’s earn rewards together. All you have to do is sign up using my referral link. (include your referral link and use the airdrops image)”.
  • “Hey, guys. I just found this great platform, PipeFlare, that offers NFTs with rewards inside. Use my referral link to sign up. (include your referral link and use the PipeFlare NFTs image)”.

Email Example

Subject line: “Earn up to 100% referral commissions and win prizes.”

Body:  “Hi, Friends.

I just discovered this amazing platform, PipeFlare, that offers up to 100% referral commissions and has additional prizes in their referral contest. I’ve been using it, and it’s been a great way to earn passive income while playing my favorite games. You should check it out and use my referral code to get started. (include your referral link and use the referral contest image).

Let me know what you think, and good luck in the $150 monthly referral contest!

Best, [Your Name]”

Process Videos

You can easily earn referral commissions by following these strategies and using the provided resources. Start Referring Now.

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Just a regular guy into crypto and getting other regular folks into it.


Official Reposts of Pipeflares' Blog - Reposted with permission from Pipeflare.

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