How To: Get Your Free PIVX Wallet Quickly and Easily

How To: Get Your Free PIVX Wallet Quickly and Easily

By Japakar | PipeFlare | 20 Feb 2021

How To: Get Your Free PIVX Wallet Quickly And Easily | PIVX Faucet Posted On June 25, 2020

You can quickly start withdrawing your funds to a secure PIVX Wallet. We recommend using Coinomi wallet – a company with a great UI and strong reputation.

Step 1: Download Coinomi To Desktop or Mobile

Step 2: Find “PIVX” on the “Home” Screen and click it.

Step 3: Click the PIVX button and copy your address. This address tells us where to send your funds.

Step 4: Paste your address into your “Extra Rewards” page.

That’s it! From now on, all funds claimed will go directly to this new address. 

Download Coinomi Now To Desktop or Mobile

If you need help getting a DASH Wallet, please click here.

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