Earn $swash by sending browsing history data and display ads and completing tasks.

By Philomath | Philomath | 20 Apr 2024



While you browsing the Internet just turn on the extension and it will do the rest.


Download the extension from the below mentioned link.

Signup with my referral



You can earn $swash by sharing your personal browsing data nothing personal information will be shared with the Swash. And also you can modify the settings and keywords which you don't want share with the swash.


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No user details will be shared like login details. There you can share only what you want to share nothing else will be shared without you consent.


Rewards will be sent your wallet address they chose $GNO Gnosis Blockchain for less fess. The fees will be paid in $XDAI a stable coin.



They display ads and surveys and a new tab for displaying big ads so you can earn more $swash crypto rewards by opting to these services.





To withdraw the rewards you need provide your mobile number for spam purpose it won't be linked to your id or data. Only to fight with spam and bots.



  Compare to BIG tech they will steal your information and sell it to the highest bidder and make money on you. Here you can monetize your data and you can have the full authority. 


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