Gary Vee Snuck Into My Wallet

Tricky little rascal, isn't he?

It wasn't exactly the real Gary Vee, but it is something similar. An NFT of Gary Vee has been added to my wallet. I am not exactly sure where or how I got the NFT airdrop, but I am thankful for it nonetheless.

I was actually somewhat busy the last two days and I hadn't been checking my WAX wallet or my Tokenhead app to see any of the NFT airdrops I was getting. Usually, the drops are just from Kolobloks or Alienworlds so I don't get too excited. I also get the occasional airdrop from the Fortune Cookie (from my previous posts) I own as well.

However, this NFT of Gary Vee just sorta appeared out of nowhere. I am not quite skilled enough to backtrack or find transactions yet, so I will just let the mystery stick with me! If we are being honest, I am not a huge fanboy of Gary Vee, but I respect his hustle and branding, so I decided to hold onto the NFT.




Overall, the card is a bit goofy. The animation on the front is a little odd but it serves a purpose. The back of the card is a nice bit of info about Gary Vee and also includes social media links. I'm assuming it is for the person who made the NFT or who found all the information? Again, I am not quite familiar with how these NFT artists decide to do their art and projects.

So, getting an iconic card with a low mint (it is #16 out of 25) is always fun. I have a few low mints in the CryptomonKey series, so getting a low mint outside that series is even more fun. I decided to check the value of my card and see if there were any others available. And maybe even a back story!

To my surprise, the card was listed for $200! I was completely shocked! I still wasn't sure where this card had come from, but now it was worth a lot of money. The last time I have checked the price, it is around $230. This is worth far more than my collection of all NFTs put together. Overall, my total NFT collection is now worth around $320. Pretty nice considering everything has been free or from airdrops!

Once I get more info about this airdrop I will probably have a follow-up on this article. And any other random NFTs that seem to pop up out of nowhere. I am usually a bit behind when it comes to projects and crypto news, so this might just be a case where I am actually ahead of the cart for once!

Since some of you readers have actually been following along with these posts, little by little, I figured I would try to keep this timeline streamed and keep these posts fluid. So for the next few posts, be on the lookout for some new CryptomonKey updates, since they have done an official collaboration with the Alienworlds team. Get ready to see some unique monKey NFTs for the Alienworlds game!

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Snarf, but with a hint of #crypto

Personal Finance and Investing
Personal Finance and Investing

I really enjoy talking about personal finance. I like to share my insights with others' as well as learning from others. I also like to share my financial and investing journey with other people.

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