Grayscale Bitcoin Trust bought another 5,973 Bitcoins in the past 3 days

By Permabull | Permabull | 10 Aug 2020

I guess not much of news unless you realise there's only about 900 Bitcoins getting mined each day since May 2020 and Grayscale is buying quite big since the beginning of the year. 


Current info at their website:

Shares Outstanding 419,091,700‡

Bitcoin per Share0.00095775‡

= 401,385.075675 Bitcoins owned by Grayscale


3 days ago

Shares Outstanding 412,808,000‡

Bitcoin per Share0.00095786‡

= 395,412.27088 Bitcoins owned by Grayscale

 Here's how it works:

Accredited and institutional investors send Grayscale a bunch of money and Grayscale uses that money to buy bitcoin and then proceeds to issue new shares of it. Those investors get in at a 0% premium but then are restricted from selling their new shares for 12 months. They simply have to HODL for a year at least.

Get your coin before they'll push the price way to high!

Nice video I recently came across where Tim Draper Explains Why Bitcoin Is Better Than National Currencies:

If you don't know who Tim Draper is -


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Saw crypto as a way to make some cash, a get rich quick scheme. Learned about the tech and will stay in forever. Watching the GOV spending in 2020 made me realise how fiat is controlled way too much and becoming worthless be a minute. Bitcoin for the WIN!


Born to be bull.

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