Page that pays us to carry out simple tasks and with a fairly low minimum payment, which you will surely like a lot.
Very good to all, today we bring the review of Onedayrewards , a page that has been in operation since January 25, 2016 and we will earn commissions by carrying out different types of tasks such as answering surveys, making offers, viewing ads, downloading applications, viewing videos, etc.There are many tasks that we can perform, but it is important to know that the number of tasks available varies depending on each country .
As many of the tasks to be carried out correspond to paid surveys , before carrying out one, I recommend that you review this entry, which can be of great help to be more successful when completing them. The important thing is that regardless of the country you are, try to enter all the offer walls and see what tasks you have available to carry out and thus add commissions. Also take advantage of the affiliate system which is not bad at all to increase your earnings although you will surely get super fast, since the minimum payment is quite low.
? OneDayRewards: «Features»
Language: English (you can translate the page into Spanish using google chrome).
Accepted countries: All the world.
Payment Options : , Criptomonedas and Gift Card .
Minimum payment: They vary depending on the means of payment. In Paypal it is only $ 0.07 , in Bitcoin it is $ 0.05 .
Proof of payment: In process.
Referral levels: It has 2 referral levels.
Referral commissions: We earn 10% commissions from our first level and 5% from the second level.
Point system: Yes. There are tasks that pay us directly in cash, like others that will reward us with points. 1 point = 0.01 $ .
Contests: Yes. There are rewards for users who complete more offers as well as for those who invite more new members.
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• You can enter OneDayRewards from the banner below or by clicking Here >>
✏ OneDayRewards : «Operation»
How OneDayRewards works as you can imagine, is the simplest thing there is. Our goal will be to complete as many tasks as possible to earn money or points. We can change the points later for money and withdraw it for some of the payment options when we reach at least the minimum. We also have the option of exchanging our money for different gift cards.
⭐ Registration
The first thing will be to create a totally free account in Onedayrewards, simply click on one of the banners of this article and it will take you directly to the registration form as shown in the image below. Then you only complete your data by entering your Name, Last Name, Username, Password and Email (gmail preference). You accept the Terms and Conditions and end by clicking on the "Register" button .
"Then remember to check your email in case they send you a confirmation email."
⭐ Sections to Work
When we enter the platform, we will find different sections as shown in the following image. The sections for working on tasks are as follows:
Offers: In this section you will find mostly surveys to complete although you can also find other types of tasks such as liking a Facebook page, completing the registration on some page, etc.
Paid to Click: Section where you can earn money by seeing advertisements.
Offer Walls: From this section you will find different offer walls to carry out tasks of all kinds.
⭐ Convert Points to Money (cash)
To convert our points to money, you just have to follow some simple steps which are:
We go to the option "Convert Points" and then in the option "Convert RewardToken to Cash" we put the number of points to convert and we carry out the conversion by clicking on the button "Convert to Cash" . Remember that 1 point corresponds to $ 0.01.
In the option below (see image above), we can perform the reverse process, that is, convert money to points.
⭐ How to Collect Our Profits
To withdraw our money we must go to the option that says «Withdraw Cash» . Within that section we will find the different options to redeem either by Paypal, Bitcoin among other cryptocurrencies and different types of gift cards. As you can see in the following images, the minimum payment in various options is very low.
⭐ Contests
We also have the option of increasing our profits by participating in different contests such as:
Offer Contest: The people who have completed the most offers in one month enter this contest. They are rewarded with money to their balance.
Referral Contest: The people who get the most referrals during the month will be rewarded with money.
These contests are not available every month.
Finally tell them that there is also a section called Jackpot , which consists of an accumulated pot which is raffled among users who have tickets or tickets (which they can also buy). The more entries they have, the better chance of winning.
Well folks, that's it for OneDayRewards Earn Money with Simple Tasks . As you can see, it is a page with many options to be able to collect, different tasks to be performed for free and with fairly low payment minimums, which I know you quite like. Greetings friends and see you in new articles.
Defeat the Crisis !!
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• You can enter OneDayRewards from the banner below or by clicking Here >>
OneDayRewards Earn Money with Simple Tasks
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