Myiyo, Paid Surveys is an international network in which your participation supports companies and governments to decide how their products and services should be improved, it is highly prestigious as it is endorsed by the world's largest companies.
In this community we will be able to participate in the polls by conducting paid surveys , it has several languages since it is a worldwide community and they accept people from many countries .
Every time there is a survey available they will send us an email to our email notifying us, indicating the duration of the survey and what they pay us to carry it out. Normally, paid surveys are from 1,000 to 3,000 points, and 20,000 points are required to request payment. (Every 1000 points is equivalent to 1 euro).
It is a good page to carry out surveys since they pay from 1 euro to 3 euros, although there are exceptions sometimes they send surveys of more than 3 euros, they usually last between 15 and 20 minutes, to receive a greater number of surveys we must fill out our profile at 100% and with true data , in addition to making a single account per user since if they did not delete it, when we finished the survey we did not receive the money until they reviewed it, therefore I advise doing them well and not insanely, which deserves the pity since they pay up to 3 euros per survey .
Myiyo, paid surveys «Features»
Video: Yes
Language: Spanish, English, Italian, French, Portuguese and many more.
Accepted countries: Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and South Africa.
Duration of the surveys: There are 5 minutes and between 15 and 20 minutes.
Referral levels: It has a referral level and they pay us for each one we do.
Payments per referral: At Myiyo we will charge 0.50 cents for each referral we make, with no referral limit, to collect the 0.50 each referral must fill out their first survey.
Payment method : They pay by , with a delay of about 30 days.
Conditions for requesting payment: You can request payment when we have obtained 20 Euros.
Proof of payment: Yes, 1st Payment , 2nd Payment , 3rd Payment , 4th Payment 5th Payment 6th Payment 7th Payment 8th Payment 9th Payment 10th Payment
Others: They will pay us 0.50 to fill out our profile, 0.10 to confirm the email, 0.50 for each referral and also what we get for each survey that they pay from 1 euro to 4 euros.
Myiyo, paid surveys "Video"
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Myiyo, paid surveys "Details and Operation"
- Fill the profile 100% we will get them to send us more paid surveys.
- The number of paid surveys that we will receive will vary depending on the time of the year. I currently receive about 3 per week , although at Christmas the surveys that I received, it usually happens on all pages of this modality.
-As I said before, the points, which vary according to the surveys, are not added directly to our account since they have an excellent team that reviews them, so I recommend doing them well and losing a little time.
-The most important thing of all is that it is for almost everyone and has several languages , you can change it on the first page that comes out as soon as you register at the bottom of everything. (See image below) .
-Remember when you register that you must put that you are the ones who take the salary home and those who make the daily purchases, so we will receive more paid surveys.
-Finally you should know that this page of paid surveys has a menu similar to a social network in which we can communicate with our friends, upload photos, etc. Nothing more than this is worth using it since it is one of the few that has this type of menu.
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Myiyo, Paid Surveys
If you have any questions, comment at the bottom of the web and as soon as I read it I will reply.
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