"Once Upon a Time in Wuhan" - A Research Report by Dr. Sam Bailey

By Debesh Choudhury | Pandemic Truths | 3 Jan 2022

Dr. Sam Bailey takes us back to December 2019 and highlights some of the key concepts that have been used to FUEL this pandemic crisis.

We are under the Corona crisis for more than eighteen months. There is little sign that the governments would undertake any positive steps for the people.

The pandemic and lockdowns are going strong in most countries. The mainstream news media continue to fearmonger the people over new waves of the virus.

People have been earning billions of dollars by selling COVID-19 test kits based on an unreliable testing technique called PCR, aka polymerase chain reaction.

The virus researchers couldn’t isolate the Coronavirus, but the medical industries are earning huge money by selling the experimental vaccines that haven’t yet completed clinical trials. Citizens are almost enforced to take the experimental vaccines.

The global citizens are missing a lot of information because it is being purposefully censored and hidden by the mainstream news media, big techs, and social media giants.

Don’t miss the most relevant video by Dr. Sam Bailey, “Once Upon a Time in Wuhan” exclusively on Odysee.

It is not a conspiracy theory. It reveals a conspiracy against humanity.




Originally posted on Odysee-dot-Com.

Thumbnail image: screenshot from https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Once-Upon-A-Time-in-Wuhan-Odysee-Exclusive-Comp:2

Cheers! Debesh Choudhury

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Images by Worldspectrum from Pexels

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Debesh Choudhury
Debesh Choudhury

I am a solution architect for Digital Identity, Data Privacy, Password & Cybersecurity, Distributed Ledgers, IoT, a researcher & academician of Electronics, Computer Eng. & IT, an Entrepreneur & Tech Blogger.

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