In September 2014, students from a small, socialist farming school in the state of Guerrero were traveling in a caravan of 5 buses to Iguala, Mexico. When they arrived in town, they were followed by police. The police stopped them, blocked them in, and began firing on them with high-caliber weapons. A few of them died on the scene; 43 of them were kidnapped and never seen again. They turned into ghosts, into desaparecidos (disappeared). Here's the story:
Was there heroin on the buses? Were the students unwitting drug mules for a cartel? Were they attacked by a rival political faction that controlled the local police? At least one of the bodies was found, mutilated and obviously tortured. Why would they torture a farming student? Bad intel? A hatred of Marxism? To get information about whoever loaded heroin on the buses (or failed to)? Retribution? A warning?
As an American, there is nothing I can say about this event. Absolutely nothing. The most I could ever do is stand back and observe and try to learn. I can't judge their political activism, because I don't understand it. They aren't American Marxists who seek to destroy everything they think is beneath them from their lazy chair on high. They're farming. Their pride in becoming students is readily apparent. Clearly, it's an achievement, as opposed to something you do if you want to waste money and deify your sex drive. One of them talks about how he likes hard work. They're borrowing buses to visit a nearby town for... what purpose? Transporting heroin? Helping local communities that don't have running water? Both?
I have no idea. I could never preach to such people about how communism and socialism are 2 of the most destructive, disempowering political systems devised since Monarchy and the Divine Right of Kings. Not only would they never listen to me, I couldn't say a word to them. It would be beyond inappropriate. All I could do is listen and learn, and try to understand where they're coming from. If I can't understand how a self-made Argentine political leader from a bad background feels that she owes something to the poor, from whom she seems to think she's taken something (though she was one of them herself), as I described in the article Eva Perón & The Socialist Mindset on my old blog, I couldn't understand this either.
But I will tell you, America, to be grateful for what you have. The champagne socialists are the ones who need to hear it most. They have no idea what they're throwing away. The conservatives, for the most part, understand the fundamental need for individual rights, and work to conserve the best political system the world will ever see. But the limousine liberals who think the number of gay characters in children's shows is a political issue of the utmost importance, who think they're being oppressed if they don't change their morality 12 times a day with the blessing and support of the entire culture, and who think "defunding the police" is a way of achieving "justice," are the ones who need to sit in a bus that is being targeted by high-caliber rifles fired by cops who also happen to be members of a drug gang. That's the world they're being used to create. They need to be dragged into the jungle by warlords dressed like cops and tortured to death so that they might have a chance at seeing the light, may God have mercy on their souls.
Their ingratitude is one of the greatest, most patronizing insults ever perpetrated on mankind. Not only are they insulting their parents and grandparents, they're also insulting the thousands of people who risk their lives to cross that border every day. I'm not in favor of illegal immigration, but the people down here are trying to get into the U.S. for a reason. And, usually, it isn't welfare. Maybe they get corrupted by that carrot dangling in their face, I don't know, but most of them really are trying to get to the Land of Opportunity. The spoiled American liberal is THROWING AWAY things that many people are literally risking their lives to have even the slightest chance to possibly experience, even if only for awhile.
You and I take it for granted. But it's an exotic foreign concept to them. We get to defend something, we have the 2nd Amendment and individual rights; they're lucky if the murderer leaves a body for the family to mourn, as opposed to leaving them nothing but a ghost.
Let's not take it for granted any more.
God bless the United States of America.
"We may have come in on different ships, but we're all in the same boat now."
Martin Luther King