Briefing For A Descent Into Hell

By Nathan Payne | pablosmoglives | 2 Oct 2024

"The descent into Hell is easy."


Attention shoppers.  The recruitment office for the Department of Death will be closed until further notice.  Nude shoplifters have been apprehended in the fruit aisle.  A snake and a woman have been charged with theft, and public disobedience.  The head of security is reviewing badgecam footage from the angel on duty at the time.  If disobedience has been established, The Department of Death will stop taking volunteers, and will be forced to convert to a conscription model.  If this happens, all future citizens of the kingdom of death will receive draft cards for the grave at the moment of their birth.  Sometimes referred to as a "birth certificate," your draft card will never expire, until you do.

So what will it be?

Heaven, or hell?

Is World War 3 happening now?  Where are we on God's prophetic ticking tombpiece?  Eleven seconds to midnight?  Do we have another hour?

Will we see another day?

When did we become a dry-erase civilization?  When did North Carolina become a whiteboard for the violent, hurricane eraser?  Can we eat our money?

Can we drink it?

Briefing For A Descent Into Hell is a novel by Doris Lessing.  I haven't read it in decades, but it made a good impression on me when I did.  The title is unflinching.  In light of recent (and coming) events, it occurs to me lately that the news is a briefing for a descent into hell.  Be extremely careful with whom you associate from here on out.  Apparently, some people are still intent on stealing fruit from the forbidden grocery aisle of the knowledge of good and evil.  Their fate has been sealed, in an envelope of fire.

Keep your distance.


“Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker:
and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished."
Proverbs 17:5


Whatever you're meant to do, do it now.  Repentance comes to mind.  The blast radius of the consequences of those who are glad at calamities might intrude on your personal space in ways that are unsurvivable, and so it is perhaps wise to prepare for the eternal contingency of a sudden, unexpected death.  Now would be a good time to realize that the world is post-political, and that the events in the Book of Revelation are being set up in the Middle East as we speak (regardless of anyone's indignation or opinion about it).  The golden age of sitting on the fence of moral indecision in a civil society based on mutual respect has passed.  If your friends would malign you for asking hard moral questions that have a direct bearing on your eternal soul, they've already maligned you, and aren't actually your friends.  Do not become a human shield for moral cowards to hide behind.  You're not going to be holding hands with a bunch of naked fruit thieves at the feet of Christ and prevail against His unassailable holiness with the power of collective denial.  Remember your draft card.  You have been drafted into the army of death, and even if your dry-erase party gets wiped off the whiteboard of the world while you and all your friends are in it, and you all go down together,

In fact you die alone.  Your death will not be collective.  You will redeem your draft card in a state of total existential solitude, and will stand before the King of Kings without excuse.

So, whatever you're meant to do, do it now.  The conditions are always impossible.  If you want to continue to be briefed for your descent into hell, turn on the news.  If you want to be briefed on Heaven, read the Bible.  The prophetic tombpiece is ticking like a timebomb in your grave.  The Antichrist and time of Jacob's trouble are incoming.  An upside-down airstrike has been called in.  Projectiles of senseless violence and destruction will soon be hurled from caverns of endless torment, deep within the earth.  Nobody can stop it.  The naked shoplifters have been found guilty.  The fruit they stole was costly.  The descent into hell is easy. 

Thank the Lord, so is salvation.


“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead,
thou shalt be saved.”
Romans 10:9


Good luck.


“Whatever you're meant to do, do it now.
The conditions are always impossible.”
Doris Lessing

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Nathan Payne
Nathan Payne

I am a songwriter and bandleader who travels the world in search of the golden ticket.


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