You can now Set Brave as your default browser in iPhone or iPad

By Owen Blogs | Owen | 26 Sep 2020


This is a much awaited feature for Brave and BAT fans . You can now set Brave as your Default browser. Update Brave browser to the latest version.

We knew that in iOS 14 Apple is going to allow third party Browsers to be set as default , but Apple said they are not going to allow all of them

So we were not so sure about Brave , Now this is a good news. 


To those who do not know about Brave (which is very unlikely in Publishox community) Brave is a chromium based open-source browser which  

focuses on protecting user's privacy and provides a way to earn BAT(cryptocurrency) and contribute to their favorite content creators who signed 

up as a Brave Creator .


You can set Brave as your Default Browser by:

Settings>Brave>Default Browser App



Or you can Directly access this settings from brave browser

Open Brave Browser Menu>Settings >Set as Default Browser


Note: You  can only do this in iOS 14.0 or above

           iOS 14 is available for iPhone 6s or above





















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Owen Blogs
Owen Blogs

Student|Gamer|Cryptocurrency | Photography | Travel | Journalist


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