Banano Faucets
There are two faucets you can use to get free bananos.
- - This is a banano faucet that awards you with 10 bananos per week. The requirements to claim this airdrop is a reddit account with 100+ karma which has been active for 2 weeks+. Along with a banano address of course.
- - This is a daily faucet that usually rewards the user with about 0.03 Bananos in my experience. Though it does reward higher occasionally – I have received 0.44 one time. All you need for this is a valid banana address to send the rewards to – Kalium being the main choice for a banano wallet.
Engaging with the banano community
- Reddit – r/banano is the main subreddit for the coin. Users will tip each other for actively engaging with the community and posting quality content/memes.
- Discord – The banano discord is the best resource for engaging with the banano community in my opinion. It is similar to the subreddit but much more active and generous with their rewards. Users will regularly tip each other for simply engaging in conversations, making memes, being helpful and generally making each other laugh. There are also daily ‘banano rains’ – generous members will often rain 420 bananos to the active citizens of the discord. Essentially, the 420 Bananos (or higher!) will be shared out amongst the community. If you are lucky enough you will catch a couple of these per day and many more on special occasions. Users can also rain nano if people are interested in that.
Events and Giveaways
- There are also daily events and giveaways for people to earn bananos. The banano discord has daily trivia which allows users to win bananos. There will be at times prize pools of over a 1000 bananos – equating to about 75 bananos per correct answer. This is a good way of engaging with the community and earning bananos. There are no costs of entry for these.
- Impromptu Challenges – Some members will also give out impromptu challenges for its members to earn banano. For example, on my first day on the discord a member offered a 100 bananos for members that drew a banana going to the moon which I promptly did.
- Puzzles – Similar to the point above, some users will create puzzles akin to treasure hunts that earn users who figure out the clues free bananos.
- Contests – For example, this month there is a contest with a 25k BAN pool! It is a cooking challenge involving banana recipes with 2k Bananos going to the winner. The rest will be split between runner ups. Last month there was also an Oscars prediction contest that had a 40k BAN giveaway! Follow the official banano account to find out about the contests -
- TriggerHaven Twitch stream – A member of the community that streams on twitch a couple of times per week holds ‘marbles’ competitions that are free to enter. Simply watch the stream and type !play in the chat to join the games and earn bananos.
For more information on events, visit the This has a calendar for events and giveaways so it’s worth keeping an eye on.
A Lottery for the Gamblers
Citizens of the discord can join multiple lotteries per day to earn a chance at banano rewards. For example, users will pay 10 bananos to join a lottery with potential rewards of a couple of thousand bananos.
This is a way of essentially mining bananos while also helping cancer research. Users can expect around 10 Ban per day using this method.
There are probably a few other methods that I have forgotten about but these methods should allow any reader to earn a decent amount of bananos pretty quickly. I would recommend joining the community as it is a very active and fun one to be a part of.
Thank you for reading!