Study Room

Open-source platform for English learners to improve their vocabulary and grammar

By _Almin_ | Talking Code | 3 Apr 2023

Just a shameless plug from me today.

Study Room

I have recently published an open-source website that covers the 500 most commonly used English words. I plan to add another 500 words in the near future.
The website features three activities; Fill in the Blanks, Regular and Irregular Verbs, and Conjugation. Each activity is broken down into 5 levels, with each level covering 100 words.

Fill in the Blanks:

  • The user is presented with a word bank consisting of ten words
  • The words are used to complete sentences
  • Using the wrong word results in a 5 second penalty and places the sentence back into the pot
  • Once all ten sentences have been completed, a total time is calculated and submitted to the leaderboard
  • A review of all wrong answers is displayed at the end

Regular and Irregular Verbs:

  • Ten verbs are presented to the user
  • The user has to decide whether each verb is regular or irregular
  • Wrong answers result in a 5 second penalty and the verb is placed back into the pot
  • Once all ten verbs have been correctly labeled, the activity ends
  • A review of all wrong answers is displayed at the end


  • Irregular verbs are presented to the user
  • The user is tasked with providing the Simple Past and Past Participle form of the verb
  • Wrong answers result in a 10 second penalty
  • Once all verbs have been conjugated, the activity ends
  • A review of all wrong answers is displayed at the end

There are no signups and the layout is very mobile friendly. There is even a leaderboard for those who like some competition.
I hope the site can be useful to some.

Study Room -

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I am a freelance Python and Java developer, founder of TMD Studios, hobbyist game developer, and Bitcoin enthusiast. My work can be seen here:

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