Welcome To The Metaverse!

“The virtual world will open thousands of new opportunities for this new generation”

― Anuj Jasani

The Metaverse has become a hot topic of conversation as of late. From Meta (formally Facebook) to Decentraland, Sand Box, Enjin, Axie Infinity, and many more projects have kick started a race to seize the virtual universe, and it’s endless opportunities. There are engineering jobs, architecture firms, museums, art galleries, real-estate, travel, commerce and so much more of what we know in real life is being translated, and created in these new environments. 

These worlds are amazing, creating passive incomes, and active incomes alike in a virtual world. As we head towards a new year we can understand that this new technology is only getting started in the spotlight. Decentraland alone has gained a market cap over almost $6 billion dollars at the end of 2021, and taken the throne as leader of the metaverse (for now). Sandbox has attracted some big names, including Snoop Dog as this virtual world project continues to grow. Enjin has focused more on building a platform which integrates games, NFTs, and everything blockchain for users to enjoy seamlessly. Axie has focused on creating a battle, and trading game owned by its users. 

Each of these platforms has exploded in growth, and the value is clear as day; Decentralized, and community owned. One platform I mentioned above Has the opposite focus of these amazing platforms. Meta, Formally Facebook  has the meta verse all wrong. For example in Decentraland, or Sand Box you can hire someone to build or design a building, or vehicle for you. In Meta’s world they claim you can do anything, but there has to be compensation, there has to be interoperability. There has to be a bridge between metaverse portals, and an open source platform for a foundation.  Facebook will not be able to achieve this. Zuck’s dream is just that. People are already leaving his platforms due to dangerous data consumption, they stand no chance with decentralized competition. 

Let us know your thoughts, and let’s discuss this more through the week! That last link is a great read by the way! Zuck is not a god as much as he wants to be. Oculus is a cool concept and that’s it.


Written by Caleb Hogan from ofthefreemarket.com on December 13, 2021

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