DeFi, Dapps And Trading Platforms

“Everything will be tokenized and connected by a blockchain one day.” Fred Ehrsam

Over the past couple weeks, we’ve been discussing crypto: what it is, where it’s come from, and where it’s going. The world of digital currency is as old as the internet itself and is growing rather quickly and vastly. We can talk about the different tokens and blockchains for weeks as they are continuously expanding and changing. The focus of our writings will turn, not away from  DeFi, but more specifically into exchange platforms and more Dapps.

With all of these tokens and BlockChain networks out there today, it is important to know the applications and exchanges that are available and which ones work for you. In DeFi, Dapps and platforms are essential to trading  and participating on these networks and using your currencies! 

Stay tuned for more on Defi, Dapps and trading platforms! Send us your feedback and ideas along the way. Thank you all!


Written by SMH from on March 1, 2021

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