Earn extra cash and Bitcoin watching and sharing short movies on Hideout.tv

By Offgrid | Offgrid | 28 Jul 2019

Any bloggers here on Publish0x should Definitely create a Hideout.TV account and share any viral videos there....

I have posted a few of my 2 minute videos there and already have over 200,000 views.

Anyone who creates Videos could be earning thousands of $$$ Sharing their work on Hideout.tv  

Huge Audience where people earn Bitcoin for watching movies.... so they get tons of views.

Join Hideout : https://hideout.tv/viewerSignup.php?refer=100525


I have been earning Free Bitcoin and TRX watching Hideout.tv videos on Earncrypto for a while now.... https://www.earncrypto.com/earn-free-tron/?r=94125 so I thought I’d go see if I could also become a Creator there and earn some more.... and it was pretty easy to set up. Hideout Creator Account.

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