How to recognize a stroke: FAST

A stroke. Horrible. Everyone has someone in his or her environment who has ever had a stroke. Call an ambulance if you suspect someone to have a stroke. And recognize the symptoms. The symptoms are listed below.

A mnemonic is FAST

Face, Arm, Speech & Time

Crooked mouth: the corner of the mouth suddenly hangs down 

Paralytic arm: a sudden loss of strength arises or paralysis of an arm. 

Confused Speech: Someone is suddenly confused or has difficulty in pronouncing words. 

Call an ambulance. Every second counts.

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Kind regards,

Sascha Bargi BSc. Pt. & MSc. Ost. in training

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BSc. Pt., MSc. Ost. in training, Writer and a Crypto enthusiast

Organs and how they work
Organs and how they work

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