4 tips for a better concentration

By STAB1995 | Organs and how they work | 16 Mar 2021

Many of us could benefit a better sense of concentration. I can be really hard to concentrate. I used to struggle with this as well, but after a lot of trial and error I found a few ways to improve my concentration. Here are 4 tips for a better concentration.

#1 Don't multitask but monotask
I might be obvious for you, but multitasking is not a great way to concentrate. When you multitask you need to divide your attention, but when you monotask, which is the opposite of multitasking, you can pay full attention to your task.

#2 Mindfulness 
Do mindfulness. It is a great way to improve your concentration. Mindfulness are many small exercises to improve attention, emotion and behaviour.

#3 Make a list
I know this is number 3 on the list, but this is the first thing I always do to improve my concentration. 

#4 Get rid of distractions 
When you perform a task make sure that that task is the only thing in your head. I hear so many times that people study or work with the tv or tablet next to them. Well no wonder your concentration is bad.

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Kind regards,

Sascha Bargi BSc. Pt. & MSc. Ost. in training

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BSc. Pt., MSc. Ost. in training, Writer and a Crypto enthusiast

Organs and how they work
Organs and how they work

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