How to send salaries in Robo Inu crypto

Robo Inu is the first crypto to be inspired by NASA’s experiments. This space-themed cryptocurrency is a true digital asset of the future that has ambitions to build an efficient circular ecosystem that brings together the best fintech resources. Seeking to bring financial freedom to everyone, Robo Inu enables users to utilize its native token RBIF in a whole slew of contexts including payments, donations, and, of course, salaries. All of the aforementioned options are available to businesses that use NOWPayments’ Robo Inu payment tools. For instance, you can start paying your employees in RBIF via NOWPayments’ Mass Payouts feature.

How to send salaries in Robo Inu crypto

Key points:

  • Robo Inu exists on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • RBIF payments make sending salaries easier.
  • Make RBIF salaries via NOWPayments.

What is Robo Inu?

By implementing smart contracts, Robo Inu Finance will provide a platform to guarantee the fairness and reliability of individual digital asset transactions. The official token of ROBO INU Finance is $RBIF, so it is an ERC-20 token. There are 100,000,000,000,000,000 RBIF tokens. Every sale and purchase of RBIF tokens entails a tax that is utilized to support the ecosystem’s expansion.

Why should I send salaries in RBIF?

Fast payment process

Fast payment process

RBIF crypto payments are a wonderful solution for businesses that are sick of doing excessive paperwork and following stringent KYC regulations. Traditional salary transfer methods, such as bank transfers or online payment processors like PayPal, are too regulated.

This complicates the entire salary-sending and -receiving procedure and wastes valuable time for businesses and their employees.

RBIF offers a quick payment option to address this problem. In essence, all you need to transfer RBIF salary is a Robo Inu crypto address. It takes only a few seconds to produce these addresses. You may pay your employee’s wages after you have their address and the necessary amount of RBIF crypto in your wallet.

Security and full control

Security and full control

RBIF is extremely safe because it runs on the Ethereum blockchain. Therefore, if you utilize RBIF, no hacker should frighten you. Additionally, if you hold RBIF in a non-custodial wallet, you continue to be the only owner and sole controller of your money.

For businesses and accountants that handle sizable sums of money while paying salaries, this is especially crucial. Therefore, the Robo Inu token is a fantastic option for paying salaries for people who want to keep their money out of the hands of third parties like banks. Peer-to-peer transactions in the RBIF crypto ecosystem eliminate the possibility of a middleman tampering with transactions and compromising their security.



Both employers and employees often favor keeping salary information confidential. Like other cryptocurrencies, RBIF provides a special blend of openness and privacy. Despite the fact that all transaction information is accessible to the public, it is not connected to the parties’ identities or other private information.

In other words, you are not required to share your identity details or any other personal info with RBIF. So, Robo Inu Finance does not request anything from you. As a result, all RBIF crypto transactions are anonymous, and the sender’s and receiver’s identities cannot be discovered by a layperson. Therefore, you may provide your employees the option of receiving payment in RBIF if they want to maintain their anonymity and protect their financial information.

Unlimited transactions

Unlimited transactions

RBIF has no restrictions, so you are permitted to transmit an infinite number of coins, an infinite number of times, and to an infinite variety of recipients. Similar to that, you may withdraw any amount of Robo Inu at any time by swapping it for another currency.

RBIF is open every day of the year without a single day off. Therefore, KISHU has you covered and the transaction will be completed in a matter of minutes if you unexpectedly need to pay a salary to your employee. This is why RBIF outperforms all popular payment processing options and establishes a new way of transferring salaries. RBIF is excellent for transmitting huge amounts of cash as well.

Okay. So how to pay people in RBIF?

 Here is a guide on how you can use NOWPayments’ solution to accept RBIF salaries:

  • First, you need to create a NOWPayments account.
  • Then, go to the settings and generate an API key.
  • Next, fill in a Survey for mass payouts requests.
  • Send a written request to activate mass payouts from your registered email to our email [email protected]. Please note that NOWPayments accepts all requests ONLY from your registration email for safety reasons.
  • After you set up Mass Payments, deposit your cryptocurrency into your account.
  • Go to the Balances section and click on the “Create Mass payout” button
  • Upload the .csv file with the wallet addresses and the amount you want them to receive.
  • Click “Proceed.”
  • NOWPayments will send all these payments to the recipients automatically.      


NOWPayments supports businesses and provides them with a chance to get RBIF payments using the Mass Payouts tool.

Send RBIF salaries NOW

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