Benefits of donations in Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Classic is a truly classic cryptocurrency that has stayed true to the initial concept of the Ethereum network. Born as a result of a hard fork, ETC has not been overshadowed by ETH and remains one of the top cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization. ETC continues to be employed as a store of value by thousands of people. The technology of its network drives the demand for its native crypto. There is a long list of dApps deployed on top of Ethereum Classic. Another utility of ETC is payments; many individuals and organizations decide to get paid in ETC. Yet, the use case for ETC, which recently has been particularly on the rise, is donations. NOWPayments is an ETC online payment service that can help you start accepting ETC donations.

Benefits of donations in Ethereum Classic

Key points:

  • Ethereum Classic is the original Ethereum network.
  • ETC donations can be useful for crypto influencers and tech charities.
  • Get ETC donations via NOWPayments.

What is ETC crypto?

Ethereum Classic is the continuation of the original Ethereum network launched in 2015. This means that the applications on Ethereum Classic have been operating uninterrupted for a year longer than on Ethereum™. This makes ETC the longest-running and most reliable Smart Contract Platform. The key element that makes Ethereum Classic a truly unique network is that it never interferes with Smart Contracts deployed on it. Basically, the blockchains motto is Code is Law. It has censorship resistance against strong external forces. In fact, Ethereum Classic is virtually the only Smart Contract network that not only proclaimed being censorship-resistant but has proven its ability to uphold this promise. ETC relies on the Proof-of-Work mechanism, so it gets generated as a result of mining.

How to benefit from Ethereum Classic?

Invest in it

Invest in it

Ethereum Classic is a solid investment choice if you are looking for a coin that has growth potential. The upcoming Merge of Ethereum™ will cause it to switch to Proof-of-Stake.

While this change will benefit Ethereum™, it will also entail a mass migration of miners to other networks and Ethereum Classic is the first blockchain on their list of places that they can call a new home.

Basically, Ethereum Classic will forever use Proof-of-Work which makes it a great catch for miners. If miners really decide to put their equipment to use on the Ethereum Classic network, ETC may be in for a rise in the coin’s value. Still, you always need to talk to your financial advisor and do your own research before venturing into crypto.

Accelerate your donations

Donation-wise, ETC can significantly improve the speed of donation processing. ETC transactions take just a couple of minutes to get validated, so you can receive ETC donations in no time after they are sent by the other party. The speed of transactions stays the same across the entire globe, no matter where the network participants reside.

Ensure complete transparency

Ensure complete transparency

Information about each ETC transaction, as well as about every ETC address, is recorded on the blockchain. Subsequently, anyone can access such data easily by opening an Ethereum Classic explorer. Charities seeking to boost transparency may integrate ETC donations as a way to show their donors how the money they donate is spent.

Bring down costs

Finally, ETC transactions are quite inexpensive and cost less than $1. A smaller transaction fee means a larger donation, a win-win situation for everyone involved. Seize the opportunity to get more bank for the buck by simply offering the option of making ETC donations to your audience.

Who can accept ETC donations?

Tech charities

Tech charities

As already mentioned, charities can greatly benefit from the transparency of ETC transactions. Tech-oriented charities, for instance, that make IT education more accessible to people in poorer regions of the world also may receive ETC donations as a way to attract the attention of crypto users and get them to donate to the cause.


Apart from being transparent, ETC is also anonymous. You do not need to disclose your identity to send and receive ETC transactions. Organizations operating in high-risk environments, for instance, in countries with an elevated level of criminal activity may employ ETC donations as a way to keep their financial operations hidden from the prying eyes of local scammers and thugs.

Crypto influencers

Crypto influencers

The crypto industry, to a certain extent, rests on the shoulders of influencers who tirelessly spread the word about the incredible possibilities Web 3.0 has to offer.

Such influencers can demonstrate a use case for cryptocurrencies by setting up Ethereum Classic (ETC) donations.

Metaverse streamers

Streamers who play metaverse games powered by blockchain can enable their viewers to send donations in ETC coins. The content produced by such streamers is always enjoyed by crypto enthusiasts, so why not provide them with a convenient way to show their support?

Crypto media outlets

Crypto media outlets

Popular and niche media that cover crypto news also may find featuring ETC donations useful. The option of donating in ETC will make it easier for readers to make a contribution. Moreover, since ETC transactions are borderless, the media will have a chance to enjoy donations from all over the world.

How to accept ETC donations

NOWPayments offers the following tools for deploying Ethereum Classic donations:

To deploy these tools, follow these steps:

  1. Create a NOWPayments account here.
  2. Enter your Ethereum Classic public address.
  3. Generate your API key.
  4. Go to the settings and choose your preferred way of receiving ETC donations.


Do not hesitate to feature Ethereum Classic payments and ETC donations using tools provided by NOWPayments.

Learn more about Ethereum Classic in our articles

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