Noft Gamesโ€™ Arenas

By Noft Games | Noft Games | 18 Apr 2022

Hi, noftians! ๐Ÿ‘‹ Todays talk about the battle arenas, or MAPS

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Anyway, four special zones are available for battles inside the spaceship. Each requires a different tactic and strategy. The spaceship is divided into four large sectors.

1. Pipes Base

The upper deck, where a large number of pipes are connected. Condensation drips from the ceilings of the rusty, winding corridors, and the echo of falling water droplets can be heard from afar. You can also hear the creaking of the rusty mechanisms designed to connect the pipes. An ideal place for traps and ambushes. Enemies sneak up unnoticed, and one must be constantly attentive. At the same time here it is easy to hide in a secluded corner and ambush the enemy. The pipe compartment is for those who know how to sit in ambush and move unnoticed.


2. Laboratory

Everything here looks abandoned and neglected. And the tomograph, and the microscopes, and other scientific equipment. Among the lab's usual test tubes and computers, a capsule with a mysterious object stands out. Maybe its study will help clarify the mystery of Nofts' origin? The instruments are fragile and should not be touched, and the liquid in the test tubes is not meant to be tasted or smelled. The science lab is for those who like to explore mysteries and riddles.


3. Dark Area

One of the darkest and lowest decks of the spaceship. There's plenty of room for chases and gunfights. You can hear the hum of the ship's machinery which must not be damaged during the chases and firefights. Battles in the tech bay will be dynamic and constant. In addition to you, there are dozens of Nofts who want to gain combat experience and glory. The tech bay is the perfect place for a firefight.


4. Barrel Deck

Fuel tanks for the spaceship are stored here. You only need to smell it once to remember it for the rest of your life. The specific smell of space fuel mixes with the smell of heated engine oil. Also here you can find an on-board computer that shows the level of the fuel tanks. The fuel compartment is good for both gunfights and chases. The main thing is not to hit one of the fuel tanks, which would quickly end the space journey.




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Noft Games
Noft Games

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