We’re kicking off September with another new cool thing! Happy to announce that Noft Games Marketplace is now updated. Let's take a quick pick at new features:
1️⃣ First off, we recently expanded the number of supported tokens, so now you can not only mint Nofts using different BSC currencies but also buy them with different crypto.
2️⃣ We have a secondary marketplace now where you can sell your own Nofts and buy those sold by other players.
3️⃣ We’re adding a broad range of filters to our marketplace so you can find a perfect Noft for you:
➡️ Basic
👉 CURRENCY — Pick the cryptocurrency that sellers prefer as a means of payment.
👉 COLLECTION — A group of Nofts belonging to one block decoded from Infosphere. One block – one unique set of features, distinct personality, and look.
➡️ Potential
👉 GROW RATE— Determines how much the Noft will grow.
👉 EXP RATE — Defines the speed a Noft can level up at.
👉 RANK — Choose between six classes of Noft-soldiers, depending on their strengths:
⭐️ Civilian. These city dwellers might be mediocre warriors but may surprise you with their craft and wit.
⭐️ Recruit. Newbies, just finished military training - but there's always room for them to grow.
⭐️ Warrior. Dedicated soldiers with excellent battle skills.
⭐️ Hero. A perfect blend of strength and courage, fight for glory and wealth.
⭐️ Legendary Hero. Combination of all merits - strength, durability, strategic thinking, and flexibility - those of a military Commander.
⭐️ Mystical. Very rare Nofts with exceptional abilities; nobody has ever seen them…yet.
👉 Abilities
Genes that define combat ability:
⭐️ Power - ability to damage while attacking
⭐️ Vision - gives better analyzing and adaptation skills
⭐️ Speed - assists to move and react faster
⭐️ Agility - helps to avoid injuries and gives the accuracy of fire
⭐️ Vitality - gives more resilience to survive attacks
⭐️ Luck - gives more accuracy while shooting
4️⃣ Special collections will be added at the top, where you can easily access them using the corresponding banner.
5️⃣ Community Choice button will indicate the amount of “claps” – community support for every Noft
And with that, we want to thank you for your support! Stick around for more and try out our all-new and shiny Marketplace!