JungleTV - Earn Crypto For Watching Videos

How I Earned $15 By Watching Videos - JungleTV

By Noahhh | Noahs Corner | 21 Aug 2021

I began looking into crypto with a friend of mine after reading about the original bitcoin faucets. We had stumbled upon an article online about how freely it was distributed and how many people had the ability to enter for free! We decided that if they could do it so could we! So we began to read about faucets and how easy it was to get started. After a few hours of investigation we decided to place a friendly wager- whoever could earn $10 worth of crypto first would win $5 from the other. The only rule? We could only use faucets, games, and discord servers. 

I began my journey looking throughout Discord servers for airdrops- this led me to a quick $0.50. After a few hours of looking this had became quickly exhausting, so I returned to Google to continue my search. I attempted to use as many faucets as possible- yet this only paid me $0.10 worth of various altcoins. I believed I was sure to lose the bet. But I refused to give up. Soon I stumbled across “Nano” and it’s meme-like fork “Banano.” I used a few faucets and was able to quickly get 10 cents of Banano in no time- then I stumbled upon JungleTV.

JungleTV is a website where users pay Banano to enqueue YouTube videos for others. The Banano used for the videos is then distributed among the active viewers. The average payout is 0.09-0.23 Banano, though whales often get the payouts to 1, 5, or even upwards of 10 Banano at a time. I was even lucky enough to get a 50 Banano payout! After a few hours of this I had gotten $3- a third of the way to winning the bet! I proceeded to watch these videos, often obscure memes or songs from years ago, for three days and ultimately won the bet! My friend had gathered $6 and I gathered $11 in that time frame.


If you would like to check out Banano or JungleTV check out their links below!







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Noahs Corner
Noahs Corner

Hello, my name is Noah. I am an avid gamer, aspiring developer, and a crypto hobbyist. My goal is to share information about fun projects and interesting experiments in the crypto-verse. This blog is only a hobby and is not financial advice.

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