Earning money in the next big NFT game: WARENA!

By MandelaAmoussou | nft-gaming | 17 Jan 2022

The Warena official 2D game is about to launch—January 19th, 2022; that is just a few days away. Many NFT game players and enthusiasts have already, in the Warena’s official Discord and Telegram channels, been asking questions and reading articles of what this great game has to offer and how it stands out from the rest of the NFT games out there.

The two main tokens of the game, RENA and WARE, have been listed on exchanges already, with RENA being on the watchlist of over 20,000 coin watchers on Coinmarketcap, as at the time this article was written.RENA on Coinmarketcap.com

The main requirement to play the game is to have at least one of Warena's NFT characters—called Warrior in Warena’s game parlance. With the Warrior in one of the compatible crypto / NFT wallets, you would be able to connect to and play the game. The rewards are instant. Various challenge types and competitions have been created by the developers of the game to make sure none of the game's players are left out in participation and rewards.Warena warriors

The four main ways players will be able to earn money (WARE tokens) in Warena's Play-To-Earn game are:

  • Daily Quest: users earn Warena’s in-game currency WARE by completing daily set matches and challenges. It is the main and easiest way for players to earn a stable number of WARE tokens.
  • Adventure: adventure is a combat match against enemies. After completing a match and defeating enemies, WARE will be earned. 
  • One-time Milestone: one-time milestone is an interesting challenge type in the game which requires clearing a stage (or level). When you finish a stage in the game, you advance to another stage and earn WARE for the stage you cleared successfully. As you advance to higher stages, so does the difficulty of the game. And as you clear more advanced stages, you would earn higher WARE rewards.
  • Weekly Rank Challenge: Warena even rewards you for being an active and successful player of the game. There is a weekly rank board where the highest ranked players are rewarded with the WARE token. The amount of WARE rewarded is directly proportional to the rank of the player—the higher the player’s rank, the more WARE he receives from the rank reward pool.



Warena’s official Telegram: https://t.me/warenachat

Warena’s official Discord: https://discord.gg/warenaofficial

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Software Engineer; doing crypto full time since 2017.


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