2D Tower Defense: My Warena 2D Game Experience So Far

By MandelaAmoussou | nft-gaming | 17 Feb 2022

Warena is a hugely ambitious NFT/Metaverse game project. Based on Warena’s roadmap, there is a 3D Metaverse game already in the works, which will have features like cross-metaverse [NFTs from other games or collections would be imported into Warena’s metaverse], NFT character personalization [you would be able to create your own NFT characters with the features you want and the looks you choose] and many others.

As a tip of the iceberg, the 2D Tower Defense version of the game was released on January 19th, 2022. It is a full-fledged NFT game, available on Web, Android and iOS.

I have been playing the game, and I have been earning rewards in $WARE cryptocurrency token.

In this article, I will be sharing my journey and experience, so far, playing this great game.

What is required to play the game?

  • An Android, iOS, or other device with a compatible Web browser.
  • Warena NFT characters. These characters are uniquely yours, and have skills and abilities which are used in the game. You need at least 1 of these Characters to play the game. But for optimum results, 3 characters are recommended. The NFT characters are also called Warriors in Warena.
  • A Metamask wallet.

I was early in Warena, so I purchased my NFT characters from the first Warena NFT sale, which took place on Binance NFT platform in January 2022. The NFTs I bought were from the Attack of Warena Cyborg Collection.

After buying, I transferred the NFTs to my Metamask wallet which I used for Sign Up and connecting to Warena. [Note: only Metamask is supported by the Warena game at the moment, the team is working on connecting other wallets soon]. At the moment, you can also buy Warena NFTs on Warena’s in-game marketplace https:// marketplace.warena.io.

I purchased 3 NFT characters — all 3 are of the Human race and Common rarity. The game’s characters are grouped into races and rarities. The races Human and Robot are the available races at the moment, Demon, Dragon, and Elf races will be added soon. The rarity of the warrior determines their power range. The four rarities in the game are Common, Rare, Epic and Legend.

After sending the NFT characters to my Metamask Wallet, I Signed Up on Warena via the Web browser version and connected my Metamask wallet.

Now the Tower Defense Battle begins:

There are 2 game modes — Challenge and Adventure. In Adventure mode, you earn instant $WARE whenever you win a battle.

I started off by playing Adventure. In Adventure, the game starts at Stage 1 where “bee-like” creatures and “droid-like” boxes come out in droves into the battle arena. Your Warriors fire missiles at them and destroy them. When these enemies get close to your Warriors’ feet, they can drain the health out of your Warriors, then you would lose the game. Your total health is indicated by a red bar at the top-left corner of the gameplay screen. Your Warriors also have an ability called MANA. When there are too many enemies in the arena that it seems they can overwhelm your Warriors, you can launch the MANA. When MANA is launched into the arena, it targets the enemies indiscriminately with bomb-like shells. I earned an average of 50 $WARE tokens for each battle I won in the first few Stages.

Level Up and NFT Skill:


I won the first few Stages of the game quite easily and earned some $WARE tokens. But as I advanced to Stage 10, these “Bee-like” enemies, now joined by some “piranha fire-wielding” creatures, always drained the life out of my Warriors. I started losing the battles and could not advance to a higher Stage. This is where the need to level up the skills and abilities of my Warriors became imminent. One interesting thing about the Warena game is the ability to increase your NFT’s strength and battle capabilities and actually see it take effect as you play the game.

To level up a Warrior, you would use the Elements you earn in the game. Some of your earned $WARE tokens are also spent to level up Warriors. Leveling of the skills and abilities of one Warrior is independent of the other Warriors in your team — meaning every Warrior is leveled up separately.

I got stuck around Stage 10 for a while, as the enemies always drained my Warriors’ health, and I lost the battles.

Enter Challenge mode:

In challenge mode, you do not earn instant $WARE for the battles you win, you rather earn Points and Elements. The Points you earn are used to calculate your rank on the Challenge leaderboard. The highest ranked players on the Challenge leaderboard get large $WARE rewards weekly. The leaderboard ranking is reset every week, hence any player who played the game consistently in the week can be part of the top rank.

One of the best reasons to also play the Challenge mode in Warena is to earn the Elements for the level up of your Warriors.

When I got stucked at Stage 10 of the Adventure mode, I started playing more Challenge mode. I earned the Elements, then used the earned Elements to level up my Warriors gradually. I kept on playing the Challenge mode for a while and continued leveling up my Warriors. When I noticed my Warriors’ strength had increased immensely and the enemies I encountered in Challenge mode had become too weak for my Warriors, I resumed playing Adventure mode and kept on increasing my Stage.

As I advanced to Stage 20 and above, I encountered a different set of enemies. One of them comes so fast like a “ghost,” the others, which I named the “acrobatic soldiers,” do some somersault before landing in the arena and shooting at my Warriors. I started playing more Challenge mode and earned Elements for upgrade; then I leveled up my Warriors’ skills and abilities again. I have since been able to deal with these new sets of enemies.


When I play in Challenge mode, I still earn $WARE tokens by claiming rewards in the Daily Quest section of the game. There are rewards for in-game activities, such as Winning 15 Challenge Battles, Winning at least 5 battles — with 1 Rare Warrior being a part of your team of Warriors, Finishing 8 Battles…

These are my strategies for playing the Warena game. I have now earned thousands of $WARE tokens. I play; I earn $WARE; I level up my Warriors.

As of the time of writing this article, I am at Stage 30 of the Adventure mode. From Stage 31 to 40, I would be earning 120 $WARE per Stage. I look forward to battling more enemy types — my Warriors are ever ready!

Warena is truly a complete, top-notch NFT/Metaverse gaming ecosystem.

Join the game: https://warena.io

Join over 100,000 members on Warena’s Telegram: https://t.me/warenachat

Join the official Discord channel: https://discord.gg/warenaofficial

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Software Engineer; doing crypto full time since 2017.


Concise articles, reviews about the NFT Gaming platforms

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