Compound's Farming Rewards Drop by 20% Following Proposal

By Abhimanyu Krishnan | News | 1 Sep 2020

The governance community of interest rate protocol Compound Finance (COMP) has voted to cut yield farming rewards by 20%, as seen in the poll which concluded on August 31.

  • A total of 1,119,629 votes in favor of the change; 44 addressed voted yes, while 21 addresses voted no
  • With the change, the team hopes to “further protocol development and onboard new users” 
  • The proposal also states that the current rewards rate is too high for liquidity provision, as a majority of COMP goes to short-term holders and centralized exchanges
  • The reduction in liquidity incentives was also motivated by the desire to make room for capital to be used for development and audits
  • Some community members have disagreed with the decision, which the rewards reduction likely to result in yield farmers moving away from Compound
  • Other members have praised it as a return to more realistic expectations, as opposed to the staggeringly high yields offered in the past

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Abhimanyu Krishnan
Abhimanyu Krishnan

Technophile, cryptocurrency enthusiast and journalist.


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