Alien Worlds: Introduction to an upcoming NFT Game on WAX

By CryptozNewb | News from the Scenes | 23 Oct 2020

alien worlds banner

Welcome everyone! Today I wanted to give a brief overview of an upcoming project called Alien Worlds.

Alien Worlds is a bit different from any game or NFT project I've run into before, but it ties together some of the hot buzzwords in the crypto community -- NFTs, staking, and mining. Basically, it is a set of collectible NFTs which can be used in a game setting to mine for Trilium (the official Alien Worlds currency/token) and NFTs.

Basically, there are NFTs for tools, minions, and lands. You give your Tools to your Minions and have them mine on the Lands. Of course, the Land will be owned by someone, and if it's not your land, there will be some sort of rental fee / commission for working there.

There are also plans for combat,  terraforming, and even planet governance!

Alien Worlds is planning on launching with cross-chain interaction between ETH and WAX, allowing players to transfer their Trilium from one chain to the other, with possibilities for additional cross-chain functionality later on.


There are several great  Medium articles to read if you want to catch up on the whole concept and plan.



When can I buy Packs?


I'm glad you ask, because in less than an hour from now, the second round of pack sales will open, with each pack containing 8 cards. The price of the packs will work in the manner of a dutch style auction -- starting out at the price of 1600 WAX or 0.16 ETH. This is a pretty hefty price point (running about $75 USD per pack), but the cost drops to 880/0.088 two hours after sales open and continue to decline at a steady rate after that. So really, the initial price point is for those with money to burn and a desire to try and score low mint number for their cards.

Two weeks ago, Alien Worlds had their first round of pack sales. These only had four cards per pack, and a similar pricing scheme. When the sale opened, there was an initial buying rush and several hundred packs were quickly sold. Sales slowed a bit after that, I went to bed expecting to be able to get up in the morning and purchase a few packs, but instead I found that the entire lot had been snatched up overnight! Apparently the lowest price point they hit was 0.0118 ETH (~$5 USD).

This current sale,  introduces a special rarity to the NFTs. Some cards will have the X-Dimension attribute, which makes them more powerful than regular cards. This attribute will be extremely rare and is in addition to the standard rarities (Abundant; Common; Rare; Epic; Legendary and Mythical.).

You can read the official details here -





Oh. And another note. If you have significant NFT holdings on Ethereum, you are likely eligible to receive a free Alien Worlds promo pack! Head over to this link to find out more (note: You need both an ETH wallet and a WAX wallet to claim your promo pack).


I will end this article here, as I want to get this out before the sale starts so that anyone who is interested can try and get in on it. I'll be back soon with more details and info about Alien Worlds!

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