Underwater (2019) – Movie Trailer

By ph1102 | New Movie and Game Trailers | 23 Aug 2019

I don't know why, but the beginning of the trailer for the Underwater movie reminded me of a film Matrix. Maybe because of the sound effects, or camera, don't know, but maybe that was the intention of the producers to catch our attention. Anyways, the story is not so original, but I like the trailer and probably will like the movie. One is sure, we have to wait until the next year to watch it, because the premiere is planned for January 2020.

After their subterranean laboratory gets devastated by an earthquake (or something else?), the crew of underwater researchers has to find the way to safety in the old fashioned way - by foot (or in our case, swimming). But, that job is not an easy task when you are 7 miles underwater...

image by imdb.com

The movie Underwater is directed by William Eubank, a young cinematographer, and director, known for movies The Signal (2014), Love (2011) and Broken City from 2013. The screenplay is written by Brian Duffield (The Babysitter (2017), Insurgent (2015)) and Adam Cozad.

In the main roles are Kristen Stewart (The Twilight Saga franchise, Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)), T.J. Miller (Big Hero 6 (2014), Cloverfield (2008), Deadpool (2016)), Vincent Cassel (Black Swan (2010), La Haine (1995), Mesrine Part 1: Killer Instinct (2008)), John Gallagher Jr. (10 Cloverfield Lane (2016), Short Term 12 (2013), Hush (2016)), Jessica Henwick (TV Series Game of Thrones (2015-2017), Iron Fist (2017–2018), Silk (2014)) and others.

Take a look at the official trailer for Underwater movie:

The movie Underwater is coming to cinemas next year.

You can find more details about the movie at https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5774060/

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