Episode 4: Was This Digital Dollar Planned? Part 2

In Episode 4: The New Creation Podcast, we continue our discussion about who is Christine Lagarde, the IMF, XRP and if this US Digital Dollar was planned.

This caught our attention, and this is our "Story of the Day"

Winds of Change: The Case for New Digital Currency By Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director at the Singapore Fintech Festival

More than 3 million Americans filed for unemployment claims last week

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photo art credit: Coin Telegraph


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With Christ at the shows center, this is a place where we discuss what happens in the cryptocurrency world today. We discuses stories that focus on current events, the stock market and digital assets.

New Creation Podcast
New Creation Podcast

A place where we discuss what happens in the world today. We talk about stories that focus on current events, the stock market and digital assets. New You. New Future. New Creation.

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