
ELON MUSK a.k.a.: X: “I want my 40-bucks back, with interest!”

By naykdhodlr | naykdhodlr | 6 Sep 2024



There is no need to define whom `Elon Musk’ is, but more to the point what he represents in the broader social zeitgeist: Messiah of Free Speech.

But. in all honesty: is he really?

The pervasive, ubiquitous presence of Musk, and all for which he is involved, characterizes him as somewhat of an enigma to the most common of us whom experience his adventures, good or bad, primarily through social media.

Beyond his knowable adventures for the last decade plus, namely Tesla electric vehicles, Space X’s adventures to capture Mars as Earthlings second home; is his most recent acquisition of `X’ formally known as ‘Twitter’.

The most publicly pronounced reason for acquiring X [Twitter] by Musk is the pursuit of a publicly accessible platform advocating `freedom of expression/speech’. Musk laid claimed Twitter operatives were imposing censorship and, eventually proven erroneous `fact checking’ in favor of a `liberal’ political agenda. And, his acquisition purportedly, would make quick remedy to this unacceptable situation as first order of his closing the deal.

In the intervening period since the acquisition to current date, Musk has used every opportunity to public pronounce X to be clearly, and unequivocally, the only social media platform where its account members, and preferably paying subscribers, were free and able to X– their minds out, no holes barred save staying within the law of any given residing, jurisdiction.

Concurrent to these developments is the events of now infamous ‘October 7th’ HAMAS’ attack on Israel, since mushroomed into a full out genocide retaliation by Zionist Netanyahu's against the Peoples of Gaza, and the West Bank.

Too in this time period, Musk’s well publicized visit to Israel in the company of Netanyahu to tour and witness the atrocity purportedly committed by `terrorist’ organization HAMAS. The product to which Musk implied his `Jewishness’, and in so doing help advance Zionist rationale for its incursion into Gaza, and the West Bank leading to thousands dead, maimed, and displaced in its wake.

Obviously by the read of the last paragraph it is not difficult to discern the position held with respect to what is deemed an inhumane, imbalanced act of `war’ primarily upon the innocent whether that be Palestinians, or Israeli. For both are needlessly subject to the politics of the region that have persisted for decades, and short of a full displacement of Gaza, and the West Bank, likely continue for decades more.

All that and more being said equally as boldly through the X account, as well `comments' supporting like-minded accounts expressing legitimate concerns for what is taking place, and plea-call for ceasing the conflict all without using derogatory, flaming rhetoric, but definitely expressive.

Not to disparage Musk for his choice to support the Zionist regime, but it is interesting that the account in question, and many of those with like-minded expression, were `suspended’ and `dismissed’ from logging into the account. Though a rebuttal to the cancelation was made, there was not reprieve by X. The account remains closed.

The irony to all this; the Twitter account in question was started as early as 2012 without issue, and it was the day after committing 40$ payment to Subscribe to X, it was CANCELED!

And hence, the title for this essay: ELON MUSK a.k.a.: X: “I want my 40-bucks back, with interest!”


Addendum post publishing: if anyone happen to read this essay and have connection to Musk, you have my permission to advance him a copy, LOL! 

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