Crypto Goes Mainstream: MinePlex's Partnership with Major Brazilian Bank Opens Doors for Digital Finance

By Crypto Guys | Navid Ladani | 11 Mar 2023

MinePlex has just recently made the announcement of a new partnership with one of Brazil's most important banks. Users of MinePlex will have access, as a result of this partnership, to the services of a digital banking platform that has a wealth of experience in the development of financial solutions and tools for its users.

Notably, MinePlex is a noteworthy example of a digital ecosystem that works toward the goal of providing cutting-edge and up-to-date payment options. The company uses a one-of-a-kind technology known as CrossFi, which combines the reliability of conventional financial systems with the openness and safety provided by blockchain technology.

The mission of MinePlex is to broaden the application of blockchain technology and simplify the process of buying and selling cryptocurrencies for end users. The year 2020 marked the beginning of operations for the business, which has its headquarters in Singapore. It currently has a community in 68 countries worldwide and has already released eight products to the cryptocurrency market. These products aim to solve common problems faced by cryptocurrency participants.

Breaking Barriers: MinePlex's Crypto-Acquiring Technology and Point-of-Sale Terminals for Traditional Banks

Analysis of cryptocurrency exchanges last year suggests that Brazil has become Latin America's primary market for cryptocurrency services. Curiously, Brazil's percentage of cryptocurrency owners jumped to the top five worldwide at the start of 2023.

In general, this collaboration is a huge leap forward in making cryptocurrencies more accessible to the public and easier to use by anyone while also providing a trustworthy and reliable platform for conducting financial transactions.

The MinePlex group is thrilled with its growing network of business partners and its community's enthusiastic backing. This is because the company's competitiveness has improved. Also, it has brought new communities and expanded users' digital options. 

Users can now open bank accounts denominated in fiat currencies, acquire payment cards, and engage in other customary banking and payment operations based on the revamped MinePlex Banking platform.

At the same time, MinePlex's point-of-sale terminals will be available to the customers of traditional banks, allowing them to make transactions using cryptocurrencies. Notably, The MinePlex mobile banking app will also be available for all smartphone users in the early summer.


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