Beautifully growing balcony crops

By madventure | Nature, Photography | 13 Jul 2024




Some time has passed since the last post about my balcony garden, exactly 2 weeks, and the changes are very visible.

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Although the weather is not very favorable, because there is little sun, fertilization with natural fertilizers, i.e. mainly yeast and nettle slurry, did its job. The plants grow vigorously and healthily.

Another factor has a great effect on plants, namely the ecological protection of plants against all kinds of pests. So far, I approached the topic of ecological spraying with a great deal of distance. Yeast, garlic, ground chili peppers? I thought to myself - this is a joke.

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After many weeks of using the above-mentioned agents, it turned out that I have no aphids or spider mites on my plants, and the leaves are green, firm and healthy. In addition, plants, despite poor weather conditions, little sunlight, make a jungle on my balcony.



In short, my experimental balcony garden is doing a great job. And now about what grows best in it. I have 3 varieties of tomatoes on my balcony. The first is classic cherry tomatoes. The second is raspberry tomatoes and the third is a novelty - an oval, fleshy tomato called "Frodo". There are already green little tomatoes, we will see in September what will be the final result.



The next crops are 3 types of peppers, elongated sweet red, hot habanero, and another novelty - hot pepper called "Cyclone". To be honest, the very name scares me. Apparently, the more undulating the pepper, the more spicy it is, which certainly works in the case of "Habanero"

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In addition, my cucumbers are doing great, which have been yielding since April. Basil, on the other hand, is already quite advanced and I will have to cut it down, dry it, and plant a new one in its place, which should still do great in the autumn.





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