A rare edible mushroom - Ghost Bolete (Leccinum holopus)

By madventure | Nature, Photography | 13 Dec 2024



The cap of this mushroom species can reach up to 10 cm in diameter. The color, as the name of the mushroom suggests, is usually white, sometimes with a gray or blue tinge. The shape is similar to that of goats, semicircular at the beginning, and as the fungus grows, it flattens out and becomes cushion-shaped.



It has quite thick pores, while the tubes are white, later turning gray-green


The leg is also white, decorated with light brown villi. It is thick, massive and cylindrical in shape. It's full inside.


The flesh of the goat goat is also white, sometimes with a greenish tinge - whitish, sometimes with a greenish-whitish tinge. Characteristic mushroom flavor and aroma.



Occurrence: The fungus likes wet areas, most often it can be found in mosses and grasses. It is rare. It grows from spring to autumn. Usage: tasty edible mushroom.


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