Porfolio February update - $4678 of passive crypto income

Porfolio February update - $4678 of passive crypto income

By XawPublish | My token portfolio | 2 Mar 2021

Welcome to the monthly review of my token portfolio, I started tracking this portfolio exactly one year ago in full transparency. I still provide an update of the interests received, the services used and the transactions performed during the month. This post tracks what happened in February.

Crypto interests received in February

This month, I received $4678 of interest (including crypto interest, browsing interest, Publish0x payments, and any kind of promo code or referee bonus) from the following sources:

  • 808.79 CRV from Curve as reward to my participation to the USDN/3pool and ETH/stETH liquidity pools
  • 1.78 BOR from BoringDAO as reward for staking oBTC
  • 768.1 LDO from  Curve as reward to my participation to the ETH/stETH liquidity pool
  • 218.17 CEL from Celsius Network as interest on my BTC, ETH, CEL, DASH, LINK, SNX, 0x, UNI, DAI and USDC  tokens.
  • 76.01 CHSB from SwissBorg as interest on the Smart Yield account for CHSB tokens.
  • 0.00055 BTC from Celsius Network as reward on one of my previous deposit
  • 1.26 BAT from Brave from ads.
  • 0.41 SUSHI from Sushiswap as staking reward for my SUSHI tokens.
  • 0.06 FARM from Harvest Finance as staking reward for my FARM tokens.

The following diagram depicts the evolution of the received monthly crypto interests, this month I changed a bit the diagram to better show the progression (in red).

Monthly crypto interest history

I also added the following diagram displaying from where comes my interest and my progressive move out of Celsius Network. I still like Celsius Network a lot and I don't plan to use another similar CeFi service, but I noticed in the recent months that the CEL token was performing poorly and the provided interests were simply way lower than what was possible using DeFi services like Curve or BoringDAO. The risks are also higher and the amounts needed are larger to compensate the high fees but currently this strategy seems to work for me.

Interest composition

Transactions realized in February

  • End of the month, I sold 3700 CEL tokens for 18343 DAI. I added all those tokens plus the remaining DAI and USDC tokens that I still owned at Celsius Network in the USDN/3pool from Curve. The goal of these transactions was to keep my stable coin allocation to 20% and increase the monthly interest.
  • I reinvested my LDO, CRV and BOR interest into oBTC tokens that I staked at BoringDAO to increase my BTC allocation.

Evolution of the portfolio value in February

  • The portfolio gained around $70K in February which is +18%. This is once again very high and is mainly coming from BTC (+49%) and CHSB (+59%). ETH increased but a bit less than the portfolio (+15%) and CEL was again disappointing with +2%. 
  • The volatility was very high: portfolio started the month at around $389K, then reached around $520K middle of the month, then lost almost all the performance to finally finish the month at $459K.

Portfolio evolution

  • I'm happy with my decision to try to keep a constant 20% allocation to stable coins. I think it helped decreasing the volatility while increasing the interest income. Celsius + Swissborg, will be keept around 30% as both have very high potentials but poor liquidity. For the rest I think my ETH allocation is too high, I will decrease it next month while introducing new assets.

Portfolio allocation

Regarding the evolution of the portfolio value vs the capital invested, the portfolio value has still increased its margin compared to the value invested. The stable coin part of the portfolio is now higher than the value invested.

Capical invested vs porfolio value

Things to look forward to in March

For March, I'm looking forward to the evolution of the yields on BoringDAO for BTC and Curve for stable coins and ETH. I'll also check the introduction of additional coins on the Smart Yield accounts of SwissBorg and I'd like to be surprised by the Mega Deals announcements of Celsius Network. Regarding the allocation, I'll probably add new coins to the portfolio while selling ETH. I'm thinking to ADA, BNB and maybe DOT. Please comment on that and share other ideas if you have some.

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Crypto/Blockchain and finance enthusiast

My token portfolio
My token portfolio

This blog tracks the evolution of my token portfolio. In includes a transparent list of apps, services, tokens, transactions I'll be doing while trying to manage this portfolio.

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