Happy 63rd Independence Day To Ghana

By Dominus1 | My News Gh | 6 Mar 2020

351665157-12e99c06ef7d3b24e4ec79f7be4d38e4b5e76417f4d570fe1d475e20a945114f.jpegToday marks exactly 63 years since Ghana had it independence from the British. It was a great day and sight to be hold courtesy of Osaagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah.

Ghana has been free from fighting and other disasters thanks to God almighty and the nation's good people.351665157-778f99c3136bfbba5d946d5bd495d819c718ed7cd4dfe0704ed66701a047261b.jpeg

6th March,1957 is indeed a great day to remember by all Ghanaians.

Help me wish my country Happy Independence Day!!!

Hip hip hip hurrayyyyyyy 🤩❤️🤩😍😍❤️❤️🤩🤩

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