Tronlink Airdrop?What happened to our Trons?

By Merkut | My Motto is Money | 28 Dec 2020

What happened to the Tronlink airdrop?


An increase in airdrop activity is observed after the rises in cryptocurrencies. Scam projects and fake airdrops of these projects have increased significantly on platforms such as twitter, especially after Uniswap gave its users a $400 airdrop.

Things that are usually requested from users;

Following the Twitter account;

Retweeting a fake airdrop tweet;

Plenty of reference requests;

Human verification from telegram bot...


Around the time of the airdrop news on the market, Justin sun reported that the tron network will be airdrop with reference system on mobile app tronlink.



In the meantime, for those of you who don't know who Justin Sun is, let me pass a summary. Justin Sun is an Asian entrepreneur who has managed to stay on the agenda in the cryptocurrency industry all the time. Works by TRON,BitTorrent(BTT), TRC-20 USDT Justin Sun.

He also made it into the Forbes 2017 list of 30 important Asian people in technology. Justin Sun, who has always been on the agenda in the Maganizel sense, gave Warren Buffet a wallet containing Tron and Bitcoin. Warren Buffet first denied this claim and later announced that he had donated this wallet.


Anyway, let's get on with it. After this airdrop news, thousands of people piled people into the system with their references. And then what happened?

It's really been so many points and so long, but what happened?




According to the warning in the application, it will be evaluated in the future, but no date has been specified.



according to these rumors, the app is creating a vulnerability in your phone and causing a difficult process for personal data. This is a claim, of course, but what does it expect for users who only download and not use the app for this airdrop?






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