Distribution of BAND tokens from CoinMarketCap Earn

By mbatory | My-info | 26 Aug 2020

At 12. August, CoinMarketCap (CMC) presented CoinMarketCap Earn. Here, CMC teaches cryptofans about any project. After viewing educational videos, users have to do a small quiz and if you answer all questions correctly, you will get a small amount of tokens.


The first campaign was about Band Protocol. This campaign ended at 20. August at 9:00AM (GMT+1).

Now i see in many cryptocommunities, that people ask each other about the date of distribution the BAND tokens. I am here with the answer.

In this post you can see that tokens will be distributed from today, 26. August.


I hope that this information helped you. When you get your BAND tokens, please, give a response to the comment section about receiving. Just write that you got it (maybe you can add a transaction ID, but after that we will know your address, which is not very safe).




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