Teach Me How to Ride a Bike | The Beginning of A Magical Motion

Teach Me How to Ride a Bike| The Beginning of A Magical Motion

The morning was beautiful, the sun, like a blazing fire, drew itself out of the depths of the sky, and its bright colors exploded beyond. My dear sister and I, the two of us, came out of the house to experience a fresh start.

Teach Me How to Ride a Bike| The Beginning of A Magical Motion

When I bought a new bike, I didn’t sell the old one, even though I really needed the money. I was afraid that the time would come when I would want to ride a bike with another person and I wouldn't have a spare bike for the occasion.

The previous bike was not suitable for driving on steep and difficult roads and had many problems, but it could still be used. So eventually I got to ride with my sister by my side. I always wanted to go with her. But I knew she was not as passionate about cycling as me. Eventually, her intense love to visit the beach led her to decide to travel with me.

Teach Me How to Ride a Bike| The Beginning of A Magical Motion

At first, it was difficult for her to even get on the bike and ride it adequately. She couldn’t ride it properly and was afraid of falling off constantly. So, I guess, the famous saying that “a task is as easy as riding a bike” is not that true after all.

Teach Me How to Ride a Bike| The Beginning of A Magical Motion

Cycling is a difficult and stressful practice for many, especially girls who have not been allowed to ride since childhood.

When I was younger, I used to pick up my brother's bike and ride it in the backyard. I loved it so so much and although I couldn’t get my foot out of the house, I still didn’t disappoint.

Teach Me How to Ride a Bike| The Beginning of A Magical Motion

My sister did not disappoint either and finally managed to learn how to ride a bike and came along the 7 km route to the beach with me.

Teach Me How to Ride a Bike| The Beginning of A Magical Motion

She showed great courage and confidence and accompanied me to the beach. We decided to take more and more steps and I was hoping for bigining of a magical road ahead.

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Melina Mehr
Melina Mehr

I'm a freelance writer, passionate about, music, books and nature.

My cycling experiences
My cycling experiences

When I go riding on my bike, the world around me becomes exciting and so elegant all at once, so despite the shortcomings, disasters and horrors… I embrace it. I know it is not just me having these feelings, but I’m definitely another nature lover looking for unanswered questions in an extraordinary manner as well. I cherish the pictures caught by my camera and the ones remained forever in my essence.

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