🎥 My Cryptocurrency Market Overview | 23.02.2021

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Hello, dear members of Publish0x!

In this video, I analyzed in detail the price chart of Ethereum (ETH/USD), by using Technical & Candlestick analysis in different time frames. Moreover, I outlined some interesting candlestick formations and chart patterns.

Enjoy watching the video and, please, comment!

*A few words about me:

Just to let you know: I've been working professionally as a currency analyst for the last 14+ years, and as a cryptocurrency analyst for the last 3+ years.


Keep in mind, that the thoughts expressed here are my own, and they should not be regarded as recommendations for any cryptocurrency trades, investments and etc.


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Cryptocurrency enthusiast who has worked professionally as a currency analyst for the last 14+ years, and as a cryptocurrency analyst for the last 3+ years.

Daily Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis
Daily Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis

Hello, dear members of Publish0x! I am new to this platform and I am going to write posts and to share videos about Technical and Candlestick analysis of cryptocurrency. Just to let you know: I've been working professionally as a currency analyst for the last 14+ years, and as a cryptocurrency analyst for the last 3+ years. I hope I will enjoy Publish0x.

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