How I earn minimum $0.5 per day on Timebucks

DISCLAIMER - will include my reflink here, I add all normal links in the end of the post if you want to check out the site without my ref link. 

So I signed up at Timebucks a long time ago, I gotta be honest, the site looks ugly like hell and is quite annoying to navigate through, I stopped using it. But lately they added daily tasks that is easy to do and gives you $0.5 as a reward. This made the site worth it for me. 

My reflink:

Picture of tasks here: 7b3d418090a6d4142f2c24d6dad71d65369b84166a0ce62af6e1e66d20a2e924.png


How I do them quick. 

1, Daily poll - easy, its just a question daily, today it was "do you use skype" 
2, I just activate push clicks everyday, takes 30 sec. 
3, Watch a slideshow, 11 pages, 20 sec each, usually doing this when I do other stuff
4, Attempt a task, you go and try a task, U can actually try to finish the task and get some extra cents or you just "attempt" it.
5, Here you go to offerwall and do a thoreum survey, they payout 1 cent if you dont finish and there you finish the daily task.  

Approx time to finish everything  5-10 min. 

Of course they have other stuff on the site as surveys etc where you can earn some extra money, as an example - in 12 days ($7 in bonus from daily tasks) I got $3 additionally making me able to withdraw $10. 

FYI when I started they had much harder quests and only gave $0.2 per day, so I try to take advantage of this as long as I can =). 

The site without my reflink:

Good luck and happy new years eve! 

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I am a longtime gamer and been interested in Stock daytrading since I was a kid, new to cryptocurrency tho and hopefully not to late! I both invest, daytrade and grind faucets/surveys for satochis!

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