Don’t Leave Friend! Sweet Nostalgic Song form Dark Past...

Don’t Leave Friend! Sweet Nostalgic Song form Dark Past...

Despite his initial interest in music, Mohammad Esfahani planned to become a capable doctor. He was seeking the best university and working hard to get there, staying up at night and studying, and he even worked for two years.

Finally, he graduated from the Iran University of Medical Sciences, the best university in the country, and became a doctor. But even then, he quickly realized that his interest and ability in singing is much more than medicine.

He started his career by singing for Some TV Shows that quickly became famous in Iran and made this singer famous.

Mohammad Esfahani has released 14 albums to this date. In his albums, he has worked with the great masters of traditional Persian music such as Homayoun Khorram, Babak Bayat, and Fereydoun Shahbazian.

Don’t Leave Friend! Sweet Nostalgic Song form Dark Past...

When I was younger, I used to listen to Isfahani's works a lot because they were the most accessible songs for young religious people like us. Young people like us were not allowed to listen to any other types of music. In short, this singer's songs revive a powerful nostalgia in me.

He was the same cute boy who recited the Quran in front of Khomeini at the historic moment of Khomeini's arrival in Iran more than 40 years ago.

Don’t Leave Friend! Sweet Nostalgic Song form Dark Past...

There was a time when I would become angry hearing his voice because I thought it was cruel to limit a young person to only one voice and music. But now I don't have that feeling anymore, maybe because the bird that jumped out of the cage, after a while, misses the days when it lived among its fellow cagers.

Don’t Leave Friend! Sweet Nostalgic Song form Dark Past...


Song: Marv e Dost “Don’t Leave Friend!”

Singer: Mohammad Esfahani


Don’t Leave Friend! Don’t Leave Friend!

Don’t get away from me sweetheart!

That I’m only alive to your aroma!

And your pretty flower face!


Don’t Leave Friend! Don’t Leave Friend!

Sit by my side, sit by my heart!

Sit so I could reach ... Reach your precious night (dark) hair!

Without you… How on earth I could have hope!

My tired heart could hope!

When you’re silent ... When you're not here...

Without you …How am I supposed to cope, day or night?

What should I do with this sadness? PAIN!



Don’t get away from me sweetheart!

Settle down, so you could settle this fire in my heart!

For a  moment!


Sit so I could reach ... Reach your precious night (dark) hair!

Without you… How on earth I could have hope!

Me and My tired heart!

When you’re silent ...When you're not here...

Without you …How am I supposed to cope, day or night?

What should I do with this sadness? PAIN!



What should I do with this lonely heart?

I couldn't believe it;

You and Destruction!!

You and Silence!

What are you taking me for? A tough unbreakable mountain!?

What should I do with this sadness? PAIN!


What should I do, with this lonely heart?

What should I do? What should I do?

What should I do with this sadness? PAIN!

With this pain! In my heart!

Oh, my heart! Oh, my heart!





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Melina Mehr
Melina Mehr

I'm a freelance writer, passionate about, music, books and nature.

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