Two Sides of The Same Coin OR Two Different Worlds?

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 17 Jun 2021

This question could easily be asked of many things, in today's world. Without opening the other cans of worms, I am going to focus on Real World Prices, of Precious Metals vs. the official Spot Prices quoted by the propaganda machine. Somewhere in my vast wandering today, I read that Gold prices were pulling back because of some great move by The United States Federal Reserve. If it weren't such a serious fallacy, that statement would be hilarious. 

You might can fool some of us, some of the time[ I admit that recently it has been a lot of us at the same time]  but you cannot fool all of us - all the time. 

All though I have purchased Precious Metals at Spot Prices( and sometimes below) in the past, it just isn't possible in today' World Economy. If you do find them tied to Spot Prices they come with high Premiums and high minimum purchase amounts. These are well outside of most people's means. Of course greed, and/or panic, will lead many to become victims of scams - if they believe in these mythical prices.

There may be few unwise individuals, who would sell their Gold for these fabricated prices. Chances are, that it will from desperation, panic, or simply from believing the misinformation they are being spoon feed. An Old Saying goes " A fool and his money are easily seperated ". 

On the off chance, that this propaganda might influence Real World Prices, I spent a little time searching for some bargains. I quickly came to the realization that my time was spent in vain. I did observe some Gold Bullion Coins In auctions, but 1/4th oz coins were sporting bids of $500 through the upper $600s. 1/2oz coins were being bid at $1000+! Most of these coins still had multiple days, before the auctions ended. These were the more common coins. Rare Gold Coins were bringing much much higher bids. You do the math.

As always, you don't have to take my word for it. Simply check out a few auctions. If you were to stumble upon lower prices, please be sure to pass the information to me!

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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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