Have you ever thought you knew something so well, that you could put it down - and pick it right back up years later without any problems. You know, like riding a bicycle.
Well, I have spent many decades working in the computer field. My earliets experiences were on old mainframes and an IBM 4330 ( back in my college days. I spent many, many hours loading my Assembly Code, through a card reader. My first experience, with a desktop, was on a TRS 30(operating with TRSDOS) using 2 floppy disk drives. I was right there in the mix, when the Intel 8086 and 8088 began the wave of commercially acceptable home and office computers. I even remember when i thought Microsoft Dos 3.3 was about as powerful a personal operating system as one could ever need. For Business Applications, I thought SCO Unix was a Permanent Solution. Linux was named after USSR President Linnen and was provided freely, in part of the Socialist/Communist Plan for World Domination. They even said as much!
You know how they say ignorance is bliss? In a way, I wish I didn't know as much as I do.
For instance, even in the early days, there were multiple ways to remotely access other desktops! This was long before Laptops were even near commercially available. We insalled software which allowed remote access to other PCs, over modems (and some lesser know communication devices). We could observe what that computer user was doing, and even take complete control of the unit. Taking control usually occured after business hours, and there was no one to notice. In Ihe beginning we used code that we programmed, but later on we used other software - out of the box. One particular package I recall was named Carbon Copy. It was my favorite, because with certain programming skill, it could be easily customized - thus eliminating hours of programming work.
At some point, I realized where all this was leading. Big Brother was fast becomming not just a possibility, but maybe even a reality. I became motivated to leave information technology - never thinking it would expand this far in my lifetime! Now, I wish either i was simply ignorant of many things High Tech, or I had remained completely involved and knowledegable.
I shared all of that, which is only to say that I feel that I have now become a relic. Today, as I thought to easily transfer my activity to a new Windows 10 notebook, I went into technology shock. It was/and Is not a simple process. One cannot simply setup a Windows 10 computer and begin adding 3rd party software. It must be approved and acquired through Microsoft. At least not for me! I have encountered a completely new technology environment, in which i will have to undergo an entirely new Education - or simply accept what is force fed to me. Then again, I learned that i may have already have been there - just unknowingly.
At this point, i don't even want to discuss the computer i am moving away from. Neiter my compromised internet service - which is now confirmed. It is obvious that my support, of Our Constitutional Freedoms, has attracthed unwanted attention. I am now in my 60s, and i guess maybe i have been in denial of the lowly mesaures - to which they would stoop, or that anyone would even waste their time with such effort on my part.
To bring this rant to a conclusion, I must say that changing Computer Hardware, and Operating Systems, is no longer intuitive to me. With my old injuries, I also doubt i could ride a bicycle. Maybe i am just an old Relic now. If people just want to surrender their Freedoms for Slavery, what good will it do for me to continue with my efforts to convince them otherwise? I Can still play guitar! Perhaps I will trim back most of my phone and computer activity and focus on my music.
Thanks for Your Time, Attention, and Interest!