Throughout the past, Journalism has been a profession of dedicated individuals and organizations that diligently searched for important stories and the facts surrounding them. The Journalist would seek facts through investigation and they would make sure that those facts were colloborated! They would not accept or report things as fact unless it could be backed up! The Journalist remained neurtal, not taking any sides, and simply reported the facts, as they found them, and let the listener form their own opinions! This provided a source of information that you could generaly trust! Occasionaly someone would make a mistake and make an eronious report. It was pretty much death bells chiming the death of their carrier. That is no longer the case of today!
Most of Our news reporters and media, of today, present news stories in a manner that supports and furthers an agenda! They only reveal facts and often fiction that supports what they want the general public to believe! This is especially the case with liberal controlled media! Often they are very slick with their approach and often they don't even try to hide it. They present one sided arguments and often try to force their opinion upon the listener. It is a sad state that the media and Journalish has sunk into. Instad of an institution dedicated to educate, it has become a tool to manipulate the mass public. How very sad for us!